
The why of BDSM

O porquê do BDSM: fetiches, dominação e submissão

Everyone has heard about it and some have untried fantasies. Many are fascinated, but where does this urge come from? Is it okay to talk openly about it with your friends? Nevertheless, discretion appears to be the measure of all things and secret supporters find many options online to allow their fantasy to come to life.

No matter which variant of Dominance and Submission is preferred, the participants all have one thing in common: they do it voluntarily and can be driven to an insane pleasure gain by doing so. The sexual act itself is not as essential. Since Fifty Shades of Gray, the world has gotten a glimpse into the world of BDSM, yet it still seems to be fond of frowning at it. Sexual arousal is not only associated with feelings such as joy and security, but also adrenaline and tension and anticipation pressure. The prerequisite for this, of course, is the right context. For many couples, this fantasy has already become an integral part of their sexual life. Superficially, it may come on as raw, but it never happens without the consent of both sides. When, for the first time, the terms masochism and sadism were described in the nineteenth century, it meant a kind of disturbance but today we know that it is just a sexual act.

In fact, this longing is more widespread than previously thought. Surveys support this thesis. It is not for nothing that the well-known BDSM accessory “Ring of O” can now be found in the jewellery collection by Calvin Klein. Despite all this, many are having a hard time coming out and are constantly wondering what they can classify as “normal” or not. This answer can hardly be given externally and, partly due to this, many times a burdensome double life is led. But why the whole thing? It is just a regular and sexual variety of a minority. There is no scientific connection to trauma or general sexual deviation problems. But some wonder where this urge comes from. In fact, there is a fair explanation attempt under the term “sensation seeking”. Simply explained, it means looking for new and varied experiences to feel a constant tension. It is assumed that there is an optimal level of excitement for every person involved, which is a personality construct that is physiologically based. For some people, the level is simply very low and it is just enough to explore petting or chocolate fondue and strawberries for the evening thriller. High sensation seekers are looking for more varied and intense experiences. The whole excitement raises the hormone level quite a bit and leads to a kind of reward in the brain and that is the end of the song.

Bizarre or not, it remains objectively just a sexual practice. The answer to the “why” should actually be quite simple: it’s creative, staged and fun.

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**This text does not reflect, necessarily, ApartadoX opinion.

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